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Competition Law
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Competition Law

Are you losing customers due to a cartel of competitors? Struggling to navigate your business without falling prey to the services of internet giants and their unscrupulous conditions? Facing investigations from competition authorities? Or are you looking to safeguard your company from anticompetitive actions by your employees? We are here to assist with all of these challenges, and if necessary, we will represent you even before the European Court of Justice.

Contact us
  • 16 We handled the notification of a single transaction to supervisory authorities in 16 different countries worldwide while representing the client before the European Commission

  • 2019 This year, we received the Law Firm of the Year award for competition law.

  • 30 billion CZK We participated in a notification to the European Commission, helping Czech industry during the crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine to secure state aid in the form of price ceilings for electricity and gas

  • 33+ Years on the market

Why choose us


Trusted by the best

We successfully manage the most significant cases for industry leaders and the largest investment groups in the Czech Republic, handling them from start to finish.



Comprehensive expertise in competition law

With a top-notch team and experts from various legal fields, we are well-equipped to address your issues in all areas of competition law, be it combatting cartels or dealing with abuse of dominant positions.



We don't slide on the surface

Violations of competition rules carry devastating consequences with a global impact. To uphold client trust, we delve deep into understanding every detail of your business before devising a defense strategy against competition authorities or adversaries.


What we do for clients

  • Impact analysis of transactional competition and representation in notification proceedings before authorities.
  • Representation of clients in cartel proceedings and cases of abuse of dominant position before authorities.
  • Enforcement of damage claims for violations of competition rules before civil courts, including defense against them.
  • Analysis of compliance of state financial support with European rules on public support and representation before the European Commission.
  • Impact analyses of proposed legislation from the perspective of fair competition, strategy proposal for communication with stakeholders and co-creation of legislation.
  • Competition compliance, internal investigations and employee training – prevention that can save you millions.
  • Support in negotiations with competitors, identification of competition risks and setting boundaries for actions to protect against regulatory penalties.
  • Setting up distribution relationships. From exclusive sales contracts to comprehensive dealer partnership programs with minimized competition risks according to Czech and European rules.

Who will be dedicated to assisting you

What our clients say about us

Collaborations that bring satisfaction to both us and our clients

Heureka Group

Representation in a dispute with Google before Czech courts and the European Court of Justice over damages caused by the tech giant favoring their own price comparator.

Competition Law


Successful representation before the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition and the Slovak antitrust authority in several cartel proceedings, averting the threat of fines.

Competition Law

Ministry of Industry and Trade

Assistance in negotiations with the European Commission in proceedings for the approval of state aid in an energy crisis in the form of price ceilings on energy for large enterprises.

Competition Law

EP Investment Advisors

Representation in notification proceedings before the European Commission and global project management of notification processes for the acquisition of part of the IT holding ATOS.

Competition Law

O2 Czech Republic

Successful representation before the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition in several competition proceedings.

Competition Law

Czech Post

Successful defense against unfounded accusations of abuse of dominant position in proceedings before the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition.

Competition Law

Take the First Step towards collaboration

Whether you are seeking legal consultation or a long-term partner, feel free to contact us without any obligation.

We will get in touch with you no later than the next business day to discuss the next steps.

T +420 224 216 212